Panto Auditions!
Congratulations to our 3 students who successfully auditioned for panto this year! Fireniece and Millie will be performing in 'Peter Pan'...
Cast in Bugsy Malone!
A massive well done to Charlotte and Sienna who have successfully auditioned and been cast in BAOS Limelight's production of Bugsy...
Hairspray at The Lights Theatre!
Well done to Imogen who has successfully auditioned for a part in "Hairspray" at The Lights Theatre in Andover! Her performances are...
Hairspray at The Haymarket
Well done to Eleanor who has successfully auditioned for a role in Rare Productions' "Hairspray"! She will be performing at The Haymarket...
Imogen's West End Success!
Congratulations to Imogen Tickle who has successfully auditioned for a part in Pinocchio at The Ambassador's Theatre in the West End in...
Proffessional School Success
A huge well done to Georgina Jackson who has successfully gained places at Laine Theatre Arts and Bird College of Dance on the Musical...
Georgina Accepted to Millennium!
We would like to say a massive congratulations to Georgina Jackson who has successfully gained a place at Millennium Performing Arts in...
Christmas At Last!
Well done to all of our students for their hard work this term! We hope you have a good relax and a wonderful Christmas! See you in...
Panto Time!
Good Luck to all of our students who have successfully auditioned and are starting rehearsals and performances for various panto's in and...